these are more recipes, or even just sample of CLI that works in real life.
Enable Taptaptap on that Red Button. You know you want to
su -c 'echo -n 1 > /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/serio2/press_to_select'
Check that hard drive for space-eating goblins:
sudo du / -ch -d 1|G
When you can't read your console font
setfont sun12x22
Touchpad: increasing the pressure necessary to register touch.
synclient FingerHigh=110 FingerLow=100
Cleanup pacman's cache:
paccache -r
Control your brightness. Well, not yours actually, sorry I can't do that
xbacklight -inc 5 or xbacklight -dec 5
wget-ftp the fuck out of our public server:
wget -cr
Get natural scrolling in i3:
xinput set-button-map 12 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
My bashrc alias is alias natscroll='xinput set-button-map 12 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Want to know what's the keycode to that obscure symbol on your keyboard? Use xev
Test the 6 channels output of a Terratec Aureon 5.1 MkII USB soundcard
speaker-test -Dsurround51:CARD=Aureon51MkII,DEV=0 -c 6
Convert all .mp3's in a folder to .wav to be able to work on them:
for i in *.mp3; do mpg321 -w "`basename "$i" .mp3`".wav "$i"; done
Convert all .m4a's in a folder to .wav to be able to work on them:
for i in *.m4a; do faad -o "`basename "$i" .m4a`".wav "$i"; done
Convert .ai in a folder to .wav to be able to work on them:
sox <file>.aif file.wav
add a group to user:
sudo gpasswd -a <user> <group>
make a sudo command works without passwd
find UUID of a partition:
ls /dev/disk/by-uuid -l
This seems good on X1 :
Try to get a flick from your computer to a DVD
Dump the Firefox history sql file
Start X when Log in occurs
Running another X session somewhere else.
The Short Dirty Kernel DIY
Mount mtp devices
Remember AlsaMixer settings
I love Grub1 (Grub 'legacy' now)
A word on SLIM
Use curl to tweet.
Using the CLI to burn an .iso cd.
find stuff.
ffmpeg to convert videos for my phone.
Allow sudo to open up a graphic application as loan modification root from your normal user account or from a root terminal in your normal user account
remount a ro filesystem rw: mount -o remount,rw so that when the system drops you to a shell on boot failure, YOU CAN DO SOMETHING FOR FUCK'S SAKE! And no, it is not in man 8 mount, it isn't.
Connect remotely to a VirtualMachine - how arch-cool is that?
Simple rsync line that works here
MPlayer code to listen to France Inter and other radios, Now, radiotray is cool too.
MPlayer code to watch my QuickCam Communicate STX Webcam See Syntek readme first for stk webcams.
A healthy, fast image gallery starts with reasonably-sized pictures: thanks imagemagick!
Cool ssh
vnc is flawless in Fedora :)
throttling the cpu - mixed results, if for battery life.
Custom Bash - Some Terminal Fun
Calculating Pi