TIC14 09/04/22 - 15:24 TIC Newsletter #14: 400 microscopic penguins on my desk!
TIC13 09/04/08 - 16:14 TIC Newsletter #13: Penguins Save Drives!
09/03/25 - TIC Newsletter 12: Small Penguins and Discrete Devils
TIC11 09/03/18 - 12:21 Tropical Ice Cube Newsletter #11: Penguins are everywhere!
TIC10 09/03/11 - 11:59 Tropical Ice Cube Newsletter #10: Taming the Penguin!
TIC9 - 09/03/03 - 17:24 Tropical Ice Cube Newsletter #9: Refresh your Computer!
TIC8 - 09/02/25 - 09:21 Tropical Ice Cube Newsletter #8: Not The NewsLetter
TIC7 - 09/02/16 - 11:19 Tropical Ice Cube Newsletter #7: A Flurry of News!
TIC6 - 09/02/09 - 16:29 Tropical Ice Cube Newsletter #6: Moving Forward
TIC5 - 09/02/02 - 15:22 Tropical Ice Cube Newsletter #5: More Specials of the Week
TIC4 - 09/01/19 - 14:17 Tropical Ice Cube Newsletter #4: Free, Khmer and Open.
TIC3 - 09/01/12 - 11:19 Tropical Ice Cube Newsletter #3: Micro$oft to get the Open Source treatment!
TIC2 - 09/01/05 - 11:05 Tropical Ice Cube Newsletter #2: Seasons' greetings!
TIC1 - 08/12/26 - 12:28 Tropical Ice Cube Newsletter #1: We have Lift Off!
It all started with...
Hi Lists;
For anyone interested but short on bandwidth, I have the following up-to-date distros available:
Home/Home Office: - UBUNTU 8.10 in i386 and x64 - FEDORA 10 in x64 both LiveCD AND install DVD.
Office: - CentOS 5.2 i386 install DVD - Mandriva 2008 i386 install DVD
The Fedora Live CD doesn't feature OpenOffice, so it's more a test tool/demo tool for your hardware than a concrete install solution.
Anybody interested in a particular distro may request it, expect 3 days for a CD and 9 for a DVD.
I always keep my old install/demo discs at hand, so if you need to re-install a fresh software stack on older hardware, just ask here. [For reference this is being written on a 8 years old P4 1.6 with 512RAM that is very slightly sluggish under Fedora9 but was excellent with openSUSE 10.1 and Fedora7]
I am thinking of formalising an AdvocacyThingy one way or another, for now, let's say:
-Single CD's or DVD's of any distro are free if you pick up from my office (next to Pencil/SOS Clinic); -I can have them delivered to your door in PP for US$ 1; -"Test Your Hardware" service for free in my office: come with your laptop & try any Linux flavour you'd like without touching your hard drive. A full install may be done in less than 2 hours.
And Soon I want to: -Put an online repository of my distros archive - I do have a lot actually.
I am thinking of calling it "The Tropical Ice Cube Club" 'cause it'll be a refuge for all sorts of Penguins :) Doesn't sound serious, I know.
Cheers fellow nerds'n'nixers
Jean-Philippe Monteiro Free Software Advocate 012 561 005