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A Free ROBOT ought to do MORE, won't you AGREE?
This place is a little webspace dedicated to hack around the LEGO "8527" MindStorms NXT set using only free, open-source software. Not only does it fit my obsessions with FOSS, it's also:
- Fun because you have to overcome issues, gather a community, and work harder to get it done: that's rewarding, as it is always when you achieve stuff that other people don't; [but the "hard" part is a joke, it's actually quite easy, even for kids]
- Quite Ethical, since I only use FOSSoftware, but that's more of a political standpoint/debate and we shall no more speak further about this side of it;
- True to The spirit of Robotics Programming because you will have to drop this NXT-G so-called "Graphical Environment" and start dirty your hands C-like, and that get us back to Reason One: Fun. It is where the fun begins. With a Free Mind, a Free Source. Oh, and then: did I mention A Free Robot.
Feel free to contribute, if like me you are freeing your Brick with a GNU/Linux box using OpenSource Software.
Quick Links: Snippets - - Docs - - Howtos - - Categories - - Links
!! Free Your 'Bot !!
OK, this site is in its infancy, and I am obviously starting campaigning to fill it with your help; Please contribute NXT Snippets or just download them and debug/discuss them on the Snippets Discussion page.
By software, scripts and graphical interfaces, the objective is to program our "Free Bots" doing fun things in either nbc, nxc, python, perl,... languages. Then, hopefully, we'll gather here some lejos, pbLua and so forth freaks too. Care to join? In true Wiki spirit, there is no need to register to participate.
While this is just the starting point, lets organise ourselves: If you want to publish something here, welcome, most warmly; at the moment knowledge is to be categorized between links, Howto, Software, Hardware and Snippets. Feel free to self-categorize your contributions, I'll do the cleaning later!
Lola 10:23, 3 July 2008 (UTC)