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The following give access to my laptop (the Server in this case); with the X option I forward the graphic capabilities to the client side, allowing me to start mahjongg on my screen as the f9 laptop user while it actually happens (get computed) on the server side (laptop)

[jphf@DC266 ~]$ ssh -X -l f9
key_read: uudecode 55:1d:24:5c:40:40:1f:d7:64:a8:0c:99:10:a5:59:36== failed
f9@'s password: 
Last login: Mon Sep  8 15:21:22 2008 from
[f9@F9E ~]$ mahjongg

back to Howtos

If you happen to have the Domain Name Service working on your LAN, then you can actually connect to other computers by calling them by their name (not that I found the IP ever hard to find):

How do I do that, Caveman-Style?
Just edit, on every machine of your lan, the file "/etc/hosts" 
to add something like known_IP  known_machine name, for every machine:
(you need to specify only the OTHER machine's names)    (I put my laptop name here)    (I put the other wotkstation name here)  
after the usual lines like:
 # Do not remove the following line, or various programs
 # that require network functionality will fail.       DC266   localhost.localdomain   localhost
 ::1     localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6

This implies that you use fixed IP I guess, or at least in my bag of tricks. And it doesn't require you to build your own DNS server, which, I assume, makes it just simpler. You have to be root to edit /etc/hosts; and you need to restart your network afterwards.

One of the reason I use Fedora, let's restart our network:

# service network restart

As simple as that. Yes, Ubuntu people can do

sudo networking restart

which is quite simple too. Can't they just agree on a method?

passworldess, yet secure, login:

Thanks to my PPLUG friend Bart, there's this solution too:

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